Once more my work will be displayed in the Dragon Con Art Show with pieces up for auction and prints available in the Print Shop for a discounted price. A few new pieces will be shown for the first time along with some of my older works. Remember this is the only place to get the first of the metal runs. Also I'll be frequently swinging by the Show if you'd like to meet and say hello.
“Dragon Con is one of the largest annual Science Fiction and Fantasy themed Conventions in the world with an attendance of over 78,000 people.
The Dragon Con Art Show is a very large and diverse event. Thousands of art buyers from around the country and around the world come to the Show every year to buy the great works exhibited. It is a very active, exciting Venue with dynamic programming which gives the participating Artist a high potential for large sales. We believe art is all about capturing new ideas in one form or another and showing the world the awesome creativity within these works.
The Art Show, Artist’s Bazaar, Art Gallery, Print Shop, and Art Show Programming rooms will be located in the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Grand Halls on the Exhibition Level.”